Complaints Procedure

Beyond Racing is a charity supporting the welfare of horses that have retired from racing. We are committed to providing a high standard of service to everyone we deal with, but we recognise that sometimes we might get things wrong.


How to make a complaint

If you wish to make a complaint about the charity’s activities or how you have been treated either as a participant or an employee/volunteer, you can speak to or write to the Board of Directors. A complaint should preferably be made in writing. Complaints should be notified as soon as possible after occurrence of the events giving rise to the complaint, and normally no later than 30 days after that date. Anonymous complaints will not be considered; the complainant must provide their full name and contact details. Please remember that social media sites are public spaces and are not the appropriate channel for raising concerns.


Our commitment

Beyond Racing aims to ensure that complaints are dealt with as quickly and efficiently as possible. The charity will take all reasonable steps to:

  1. Investigate the complaint fully and fairly
  2. Keep you informed about the progress of any investigation
  3. Seek to resolve the matter within 28 days
  4. Protect your privacy
  5. Treat you with respect
  6. Confirm our response in writing

Provided the proper process has been followed Beyond Racing will not take any further action on repeat or persistent complaints or those which are considered to have no basis or genuine substance. If a complaint is found to be malicious, vexatious or is intended to harm the reputation of the charity or its staff, the complainant may be found liable for the cost of carrying out the investigation.

This policy does not apply to safeguarding concerns or whistleblowing. Separate policies for these matters can be found on our website.


Contact details

Please contact Director, Lyn Shand, by phoning 0432 111 896, or in writing, marking the envelope ‘Private & Confidential’, at the following address:

PO Box 193, Nar Nar Goon, Victoria 3812

If the complaint concerns the previously named Director, please address your complaint to Lou Abey on 04 xxx.